Counter Strike Source Aimbot Hack

2020. 3. 2. 13:16카테고리 없음

Probably a controversial script, but that's irrelevant. I've only mapped the pixelsearch algorithm for the basic two outfits in source (CT and T) so if you use this with regular counterstrike it won't work on the other models.Basic concept is that it scans a single pixel and compares it using an algorithm to what a typical pixel color of an enemy uniform looks like. If it gets a match, it will fire 3 shots. Because this script needs a fast response time, it can only scan a single pixel, and that pixel happens to be dead center in the crosshairs.

How well does it work? Pretty darn well. It does mess up though in the tunnel areas because they are so dark, like the enemy outfits; and for this reason I have implimented a hot-key to pause/unpause it.

When you select your hotkey at the start of the program, map that key to the middle mouse button using the intellimouse 4.0 keymapper. I find this works best because you'll want to pause/unpause at split second notice. Feedback (not flames) appreciated. Expand collapse popup Global $pausedAutoItSetOption ( 'MouseClickDelay', 10);capture pause key$letter = '1'Do$letter = InputBox('Choose your hotkey:', 'Please enter any lowercase letter.' & @CR & 'The resulting hotkey will be a combination of' & @CR & 'CTRL + ALT + (your lowercase letter).'

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Here is Version2 of my script. The two main hotkeys now are F1 and F2 and then you still have your pause button. F2 is the same old function in my original script. So just press F2 to enable that, and pause/unpause to turn it on/off.F1 though is really designed for long range stuff. If you are sniping or just aiming at something far away, the formula in the original program doesn't work too well. So this is where the F1 function comes into play.

It samples a single pixel, then freezes all input on the keyboard and mouse, and then continues to check that same pixel for a change for the next 5 seconds. If a change is detected, it will fire three rounds and then unlock the kb+mouse.BlockInput is required for this simply because one slight movement of the mouse will register a pixel-change and it's very hard to keep your hand still. So BlockInput is the only way to go. The downside is obviously the 5s freeze - so if someone comes from behind you or towards you outside of the crosshair, you will likely die.

Thus only use F1 for long range attacks; but it works incredible!Future changes? Two things I want to do when I get a few minutes.

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First, when switching between F1 and F2, the 'first' time you hit pause, you must hit it twice to pause. But after that, pause must only be hit one time. Confusing to explain, but once you try it you'll see what I mean. I want to fix that later and just have one pause needed. And second, sometimes there is dust in the air on the gamescreen and it will register a pixel change if it floats past you. So I want to build some tolerances for the F1 function. Other than that, this program pushes the limits of what can be done with an aimbot and CS.

DescriptionRequirements: There are 3 requirements that should be met before you run this program.1. You will need colored skin CT models or colored T models which a material wallhack has, the models can be any color.2.NET framework 2.0 is required. You should have it already through windows update.3. VB6 runtime files.

Counter-strike Source Free Aimbot

Counter Strike Source Aimbot Hack

All versions of windows currently have it and you can download them if you somehow don't have it.Image Click it for full-size.Filesize52.7 kBDateTuesday 19 April 2011 - 18:55:47Downloads411Rating10.0 - 1 voteDownloadSponsored Links.